General Dentistry and hygiene services

A great smile looks good on everyone.

Complete Oral Examination (COE)

A COE is important to evaluate your oral health. Your dental team is looking for things that can affect your overall health.

Here are some things that your dentist is evaluating during your complete oral exam:
- we review your complete medical history so that we can evaluate the safety and likely success of dental treatments
- detect early signs of cavities and evaluate the condition of your gums
- check for early signs of mouth or throat cancer and suspicious growths/cysts
- determine the overall condition of bones in the jaw and surrounding mouth area
- evaluate how previous dental work is holding up and if there are any current damaged/missing/decayed teeth

Based on the findings of your COE, we make recommendations for your at-home oral hygiene routine and create an individualized treatment plan.

Oral Cancer Screening

At every routine appointment, your dental team is checking around the mouth area for early signs of oral cancer. Some factors that put individuals at higher risk for oral cancer include: tobacco or alcohol use, and/or a family history of oral cancer.

Hygiene Services

At BSDC we focus on through exams and routine hygiene care to prevent the need for complex and costly treatments. Recare appointments are designed to prevent dental problems before they start. Sometimes we need to observe existing areas of potential concern to ensure that they do not worsen. We will recommend a frequency interval of appointments based on your oral health needs.

Periodontal Disease

Gum disease is a chronic bacterial infection that affects the gums and bones that support the teeth. It manifests in different severities. The mildest form is called gingivitis and can be reversed. On the other hand, the more severe form is called periodontitis and can cause loose teeth and abscesses.

It is important to manage periodontal disease because it can increase your risk of other systemic diseases. This includes heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, diabetes, respiratory illnesses, pregnancy complications, and more.

Custom Nightguards

A custom mouthguard is generally worn while sleeping at night. It prevents the jaw from clenching and helps to prevent any pain, tension, or headaches during the day.